Cautious Lover

Silhouette Desire #253
Originally Published March 4, 1986
Recently published August 1, 1999
Silhouette Books Paperback
Out of Print

Jess Winter always operated with a master plan, and Elly Trent found herself on schedule to marry him. He said she was everything he wanted: undemanding, reliable, tolerantand she could cook! Elly wanted to scream. Jess claimed he wasn’t arrogant, merely assertive, as he rearranged her life to suit himand herself, as well. How could she object when Jess gave her everything she wanted:?.. Well, almost everything.

Just once, Elly wanted to shake Jess’s iron control. She was no femme fatale, but there is little that can stop a truly determined woman. Bearding a lion in his den is never without consequencesbut Elly hadn’t realized they could be so delightful.

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